Emotional Intelligence – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Emotional Intelligence"

Hiring for Attitude

By Andrew Cooke | April 3, 2018

How attitude is a good predictor of prospective employee success, and how you can identify those with the right attitude for your business. The top challenge for CEOs according to a survey from the Conference Board (January 2013) is Human Capital – the ability to develop and acquire the right people, with the right skills […]


The Hedgehog Concept

By Andrew Cooke | March 20, 2018

What is the Hedgehog Concept?  Simply, it is a toll by which you can get clarity on what you do and what you don’t do as a business. Based on the essay by Isaiah Berlin, “The Hedgehog and the Fox” it describes how the world is divided into two types. The fox knows many things. […]


The Three “A’s” for Dealing with Conflict

By Andrew Cooke | January 23, 2018

Attacking.Abdicating.Accountability.  When dealing with conflict there are only three ways in which you, or your reports, can respond. These are attacking, abdicating and being accountable. Attacking – this is the first part of the “fight or flight” syndrome which we experience when we come across an uncomfortable situation. For example, we are in a meeting […]


The Three Ss of Winning in Business

By Andrew Cooke | January 18, 2018

Why you need self-confidence, simplicity and speed in business Many businesses, as they grow, develop a bureaucracy. This makes it hard for the business to adapt to the accelerating changes we are experiencing. As Professor Gary Hamel said: “Today, the most important question for any organisation is this: are we changing as fast as the […]


3 Keys to Being Self-Employed and Independent

By Andrew Cooke | December 12, 2017

What you need to know to be successful So you are self-employed or you are looking to take the plunge and become self-employed. Why? Being employed is often seen as a safe and secure way by which to live your life. But is it what you want? Increasingly, job security and tenure is becoming less […]


6 Reasons Why to Emotionally Connect with Your Customers

By Andrew Cooke | November 30, 2017

Here are six reasons why you want your customers to connect with you emotionally. Logic may make people think, but emotions make them act! Even more, emotions underpin good, strong relationships which are essential for good, lasting business. Reasons Which Means…. 1.    They buy more You make more money 2.    They visit you more often […]


The Three Aspects of Culture

By Andrew Cooke | September 22, 2017

Perspectives on culture There is a lot of discussion about the importance of culture in creating and driving a high-performing business.  We all “know” what we are talking about, but none of us can clearly define it. As a result we all have a common and shared understanding of something we cannot articulate and agree […]


The Customer is NOT Always Right!

By Andrew Cooke | September 20, 2017

3 reasons why the customer is not always right One of the oldest adages for customer experience and customer service is “The customer is always right!”. Sorry, I don’t hold with that. Why? People assume that it is better to keep a customer rather than alienate a customer. But often this is not the best […]


The Four Most Important Words Employees Need To Hear

By Andrew Cooke | June 3, 2014

The Four Most Important Words Employees Need To Hear How to get your people to engage with you. by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions In a recent interview with the New York Times, Bill Marriott, chairman of the Marriott Hotel Group, shared this useful piece of advice.  He explained that as a young officer […]