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Category Archives for "Leadership development"

1 New Results Need New Behaviours

By Andrew Cooke | July 24, 2017

Why what got you here won’t get you there! Are any of these scenarios familiar to you?  You’ve been recently promoted. You’re in the same job you were in a year ago, but the scope is a lot bigger today than it was then. You’re working in an organization where the performance bar has been […]


Improving Your Leadership Skills

By Andrew Cooke | July 10, 2017

…the one thing to create a multiplier effect for your leadership skills There are a broad number of leadership skills that you are expected to have and to develop. However, this takes time and effort and you cannot develop these skills in a classroom. You have to develop them in real-time and quickly. The “key […]


Building Your Personal Leadership Brand

By Andrew Cooke | June 28, 2017

Just as businesses need to build their brands, so leaders need to build their leadership brand. You probably already have a personal leadership brand. But do you have the right one? And is it the one that will take you from where you are to where you want to be? This is an important question […]


The Leadership/Management Matrix Tool

By Andrew Cooke | May 31, 2017

Leadership and management may complement each other, but they are very different So which is more important, management or leadership? This is not the right question to ask, rather the question to ask what is the balance between management and leadership that you need to have? To answer this, you need to at what role […]


Performance vs. Potential Matrix

By Andrew Cooke | January 4, 2017

How to determine and assess future leaders, and where and how to focus your efforts in their development. You are looking to develop future leaders for your business. How can you do this so that you can consistently evaluate them across the board? What is more important when you evaluate them – their past performance […]


The Challenge of Business Speeding Up

By Andrew Cooke | June 24, 2014

The Challenge of Business Speeding Up It.is not how fast business goes that matters, it is how and if you can keep up! by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions The pace of doing business is speeding up not slowing down. Each year the pressure grows on all areas of a business including its people, […]


The Four Most Important Words Employees Need To Hear

By Andrew Cooke | June 3, 2014

The Four Most Important Words Employees Need To Hear How to get your people to engage with you. by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions In a recent interview with the New York Times, Bill Marriott, chairman of the Marriott Hotel Group, shared this useful piece of advice.  He explained that as a young officer […]