Aptitude – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Aptitude"

Helping Employees Engage Themselves

By Andrew Cooke | July 1, 2018

How to encourage employees to engage themselves in what they do!There is a problem with employee engagement. And I am not talking about the reports decrying the low levels of employee engagement in business globally.  The problem is deeper and more profound. It is that the whole premise of employee engagement is based on a […]


Hiring for Attitude

By Andrew Cooke | April 3, 2018

How attitude is a good predictor of prospective employee success, and how you can identify those with the right attitude for your business. The top challenge for CEOs according to a survey from the Conference Board (January 2013) is Human Capital – the ability to develop and acquire the right people, with the right skills […]


Handling Negative Feedback

By Andrew Cooke | March 29, 2018

A few tips on how to handle negative feedback well rather than poorly We all have experienced receiving negative feedback, and if we are honest there are times when we have not handled well. We may know what to do, but in the moment of the feedback being given to us our amygdala brain hijacks […]


Evaluating The Feedback You Receive

By Andrew Cooke | March 27, 2018

3 steps how to receive feedback, especially when it is unsolicited We grow best by building on our strengths, not by constantly trying to correct our “weaknesses.” That’s the essence of positive psychology. Yet the overwhelming feedback we receive – even when solicited—is about correcting some failing. Often we take the feedback to heart, and […]


The Hedgehog Concept

By Andrew Cooke | March 20, 2018

What is the Hedgehog Concept?  Simply, it is a toll by which you can get clarity on what you do and what you don’t do as a business. Based on the essay by Isaiah Berlin, “The Hedgehog and the Fox” it describes how the world is divided into two types. The fox knows many things. […]


Three Types of Listening

By Andrew Cooke | March 15, 2018

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication; without the ability to listen effectively messages is easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the people can become frustrated or irritated. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing refers to the sounds […]


The Cost of Employee Turnover

By Andrew Cooke | March 13, 2018

Losing staff can cost you more than you know! It is only in recent years that businesses have started to assess the cost of employee turnover. For many years it has not been an area of priority, simply because it wasn’t being measured and what isn’t measured isn’t valued. So what are some of the […]


The Unreasonable Man

By Andrew Cooke | March 8, 2018

Creating the world around yourself We often pride ourselves on how reasonable and logical we are.  We see it as a strength. Our ability to gather the data and information, to analyze it and make sense of it, and then to act on it are strengths. They are assets we can use to generate results […]

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