Communication – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Communication"

Four Questions to Debrief and Learn

By Andrew Cooke | June 7, 2018

Four key questions by which to learn from your experiences! We often get so involved in doing the work, that we rarely make the time to review how we are doing in a structured and creative manner that allows us to extend our curiosity into what has happened, and to learn why. In short, we […]


How Do People Respond?

By Andrew Cooke | May 10, 2018

Understand how people can react – whether they take control of themselves, or abdicate responsibility… There is a simple, but useful tool that helps you to understand how people respond to situations, and to anticipate their likely behavior. It can also help you identify those who are likely to be winners and losers. This tool […]


The Power of Words

By Andrew Cooke | January 16, 2018

How you say what you say can make you more powerful! How you say what you say matters! It matters in two ways: firstly, it reflects how you perceive things and yourself; and secondly, it affects how others perceive you! If you sometimes feel that you are not expressing yourself strongly enough, or are not […]


5 Ways to Build Emotional Connection with your Customers

By Andrew Cooke | December 5, 2017

  If you want to reap the benefits of having a strong emotional connection with your customers here are the feelings you need to generate in them, and the questions you can ask to help you do this. Generate the following feelings in your customers: Do this by asking the following questions: 1.    Stand out […]


3 Steps to Help Your Managers Prepare for Difficult Conversations

By Andrew Cooke | September 29, 2017

In times of challenges and uncertainty, supervisors might be experiencing an increase in the number of difficult conversations with their staff. These could include delivering bad news about an employee’s job, informing staff about work restructuring, or discussing other complicated and stressful work situations. Preparing for the conversation Before going into the conversation, ask yourself […]


Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations

By Andrew Cooke | August 2, 2017

You have nothing to fear but fear itself At work one of the things a person fear most, and actively try to avoid, is having a difficult conversation with a boss, a peer or a report. Let’s face it, we don’t like it as it represents the unknown – whenever you enter into a difficult […]


What People Want From Their Boss

By Andrew Cooke | June 5, 2017

How you can improve employee commitment and engagement by demonstrating respect? A recent Forbes article revealed that 65% percent of people would rather have a different boss than a raise! Take that in for a moment; people would trade money for a better boss. Furthermore, a recent study by Harvard Business Review of 20,000 employees […]


Guidelines to Managing Conflict

By Andrew Cooke | June 2, 2017

Six key guidelines to manage conflict effectively When dealing with a conflict you want to manage it effectively.  Conflicts are difficult to resolve as resolutions are rarely reached which everyone is happy with.  A conflict that is well-managed provides the basis for an approach that everyone will accept, commit to and action. Remember, you want […]


Reducing Anxiety in Your Organization

By Andrew Cooke | October 30, 2015

In a changing world the level of anxiety people experience increases as they become less clear on what is happening, more uncertain as to how it will affect them, and increasingly unsure about what to do. You will feel this for yourself, and your team will be feeling it too. So what can we do […]