Psychology – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Psychology"

The Power of Three

By Andrew Cooke | June 14, 2018

It is only in recent years that businesses have started to assess the cost of employee turnover. For many years it has not been an area of priority, simply because it wasn’t being measured and what isn’t measured isn’t valued. So what are some of the costs associated with employee turnover? Lowered productivity – you […]


Managing the Monkey!

By Andrew Cooke | May 15, 2018

How to free time, reduce your to-do list, and move back to managing from being managed!!! Many managers often find themselves with long to-do lists which get longer, with more seeming to have been added then taken off at the end of each day.  The fault for this most often lies with the manager himself […]


How Do People Respond?

By Andrew Cooke | May 10, 2018

Understand how people can react – whether they take control of themselves, or abdicate responsibility… There is a simple, but useful tool that helps you to understand how people respond to situations, and to anticipate their likely behavior. It can also help you identify those who are likely to be winners and losers. This tool […]


The Paradox of Choice

By Andrew Cooke | April 24, 2018

Giving greater choice does not mean more will be chosen!  Most people believe that having a choice is good. The belief here is that choice gives us freedom, so if we have more choices we have more freedom, the better it is for our lives. But some research has found that this is not necessarily […]


Stressed? It’s a Matter of Perspective and Choice!

By Andrew Cooke | April 17, 2018

A simple lesson for managing your stress.  I’d like to share a short story I came across a long time ago. While it is short, the story is full of insights, learning, and wisdom. “A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone […]


Freedom & Choice

By Andrew Cooke | April 10, 2018

Choosing your own way, and choosing to be free of interference from others in doing so  What does freedom mean to you?  You will come up with many answers covering many concepts, situations or contexts – but they all fall into one of two categories: freedom from and freedom to.  “Freedom to” – this is […]


Hiring for Attitude

By Andrew Cooke | April 3, 2018

How attitude is a good predictor of prospective employee success, and how you can identify those with the right attitude for your business. The top challenge for CEOs according to a survey from the Conference Board (January 2013) is Human Capital – the ability to develop and acquire the right people, with the right skills […]


Three Types of Listening

By Andrew Cooke | March 15, 2018

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication; without the ability to listen effectively messages is easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the people can become frustrated or irritated. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing refers to the sounds […]

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