Work-life balance – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Work-life balance"

Letting Go and Living in the Present

By Andrew Cooke | April 26, 2018

If you want to create your future, then work in the present  How often have your colleagues, your family, or your friends, amazed you with their near-perfect photographic recall of the times when you got things wrong or made a mistake. Not only do they recall all the details but, if you can remember the […]


3 The Trials of Leadership Styles

By Andrew Cooke | March 11, 2013

The Trials of Leadership Styles by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions Adapting your leadership style for effective results – balancing task- and people-oriented leadership. When organizing a company meeting what do you, or the individual you have delegated to, do first?  Do you develop the timeline and associated task, or do you consider who […]


Take Responsibility to Gain Momentum

By Andrew Cooke | February 27, 2013

Take Responsibility to Gain Momentum Freeing yourself and others to gain traction and action. by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions How often have you waited for work or input from someone else in order to get your work done, or to actually start the process.  It’s not your fault you are delayed, but what […]


Three Tips for Express Success

By Andrew Cooke | January 29, 2013

Three Tips for Express Success Quick ways to build success and momentum by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions When we come back from summer holidays, New Year celebrations or other breaks we return refreshed, reinvigorated and enthusiastic.  Our desire and belief in what we can do is at an all-time high – so here […]


3 The Fallacy of Work-Life Balance

By Andrew Cooke | December 11, 2012

The Fallacy of Work-Life Balance by Andrew Cooke, Growth & Profit Solutions Considerable effort has been devoted to discussing and developing “work-life balance” – the ability to achieve all that you want in both your personal and professional lives. The problem with this is that “work-life balance” doesn’t exist! Let me explain. Work-life balance is […]