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Tag Archives for " management "

Understanding versus Doing

By Andrew Cooke | April 26, 2016

Understanding something does not mean you know how to do it. People often confuse understanding something and doing something. There is a common misconception that because we understand something we can do it.  This misconception, or misunderstanding, creates confusion. Think of a time when you have explained a task to someone. You have asked them […]


Flea Training

By Andrew Cooke | April 19, 2016

What is the one thing that limits your personal success most? This is a story originally told by Zig Ziglar – a leading sales trainer and motivational speaker. It is a good story – short, to the point and memorable. I won’t say any more – just take a moment to sit back and enjoy […]


1 The 90% Rule for Decision-Making

By Andrew Cooke | November 2, 2015

Too often we make a decision which, at best, is marginal.  How many times have you made a decision that you have regretted?  That involved more work than expected? Which impacted other work that was more important? That lead you to spreading yourself too thin? Why does this always seem to happen?  In short, we […]


Reducing Anxiety in Your Organization

By Andrew Cooke | October 30, 2015

In a changing world the level of anxiety people experience increases as they become less clear on what is happening, more uncertain as to how it will affect them, and increasingly unsure about what to do. You will feel this for yourself, and your team will be feeling it too. So what can we do […]


Using the Buddy System

By Andrew Cooke | October 26, 2015

Anybody who has been scuba-diving will be familiar with the buddy system. You never dive alone, you always have a diving buddy – somebody who is there to help you and support you should you need it, and to ensure that you are safe. You, in turn, reciprocate. It can be hard dealing with the […]


The Power of Framing

By Andrew Cooke | October 23, 2015

Frames are a powerful tool that allow you to define how a situation, event or occurrence can be viewed.  If you set the frame, you control the conversation; if you control the conversation, you can control the relationship; and if you control the relationship, you control the business opportunity. A frame works in the same […]


The Power of Three

By Andrew Cooke | October 19, 2015

When we work with others such as employees or customers we often use a binary approach – yes or no, A or B, take it or leave it, ‘my way or the highway ‘.  I am sure you can think of many other examples. But is this the best approach to use if you want […]


Addressing a Lack of Trust

By Andrew Cooke | October 12, 2015

Often a lack of trust, within teams or the business overall, is not always well addressed. Creating trust creates “dividends” for the business, and a lack of trust creates “taxes” for the business. When you encounter a situation where there is a lack of trust, how can you deal with it?  There are four ways […]


Trust “Taxes”, the Costs of a Lack of Trust

By Andrew Cooke | October 9, 2015

Trust taxes are costs that you incur when there is little or no trust. When trust goes down, speed also goes down and cost goes up.  This is a “tax” – and this tax can double the cost of doing business. There are 7 types of “trust taxes”: Redundancy & duplication with smaller spans of control – […]