growth solutions – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "growth solutions"

Five Strategies for Growing Successfully

By Andrew Cooke | June 12, 2018

Not all growth is good growth, five tips to help you ensure that growth is good Do you want to grow your business?  If so, do you know how you are going to grow the business?  And are you aware of the difference between good growth and bad growth? People often want to grow for […]


Peter Drucker on Marketing

By Andrew Cooke | May 31, 2018

Long ago Peter Drucker, the father of business consulting, made a very profound observation that has been lost in the sands of time: “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the […]


Leveraging Deadlines

By Andrew Cooke | May 17, 2018

How to use deadlines to your advantage We often live in fear of deadlines or see them as the main source of our stress. You know how it goes: “Only two months left to make your annual target”, “The report has to be completed and on the boss’ desk by Friday morning”, or “The customer […]


How to Cut Costs Without Drawing Blood

By Andrew Cooke | May 10, 2018

Six ways to use money and assets effectively When times are hard, and business is slower, harder to get, and less certain, many companies engage in slashing costs.  And they go for that which is most visible and easiest to slash first – the payroll.  However, reducing staff numbers incurs considerable expenses – you have […]


What Do You Need to be Successful?

By Andrew Cooke | May 1, 2018

And the answer is…… So you want to be successful? But is that enough to be so? We all know that just because you want something does not make it so. Success requires one thing and one thing only – action! To be successful needs a massive amount of effort on a consistent and ongoing […]


The Conflict Outcomes Matrix

By Andrew Cooke | February 22, 2018

The four alternative results you can realize in any conflict There are four outcomes that can result from a conflict between the two main protagonists, depending who ‘wins’ and who ‘loses’. The Conflict Outcomes Matrix Win-Win: Both parties “Win.” You both know you have achieved what you needed, but not at the expense of the […]


Profit From Constraints

By Andrew Cooke | January 4, 2018

When having less provides you with more By: Andrew Cooke, Blue Sky GPS Operating in a tight and volatile marketplace is challenging, but it is also full of opportunity.  Companies often look at the constraints on how they have to operate and how they can accommodate this situation.  This is a reactive approach, which limits […]


What Do You Think?

By Andrew Cooke | December 26, 2017

by Andrew Cooke, Blue Sky GPS In an interview with the New York Times, Bill Marriott, chairman of the Marriott Hotel Group, shared this useful piece of advice.  He explained that as a young officer in the US Navy he was responsible for the stewards who served in the officers’ wardroom.  New to his role, and being […]


Using the Value-Price Seesaw to Make More Money

By Andrew Cooke | December 14, 2017

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get!” – Warren Buffett Are your prices too low? Are you not getting paid enough? Do your customers do not appreciate what you do for them? If so, then I have a suggestion to make – and you probably won’t like it. If your prices are […]

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