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Category Archives for "Leadership"

Three Trust-Building Behaviours

By Andrew Cooke | June 19, 2018

There are three ways to build trust both for yourself and with your team: Create transparency this is telling the truth in a way that people can verify and validate for themselves. Keep your commitments failing to complete commitments will deplete the levels of trust others have in you. This occurs when you overpromise and […]


Empowering Your Employees to Empower Themselves

By Andrew Cooke | June 5, 2018

How to create an environment that empowers people. As a manager or leader, do you let your people assume more responsibility when they are able? Do you know when that is, or do you keep telling yourself that they aren’t ready yet?In my travels from organization to organization, I talk with thousands of people every […]


The Paradox of Choice

By Andrew Cooke | April 24, 2018

Giving greater choice does not mean more will be chosen!  Most people believe that having a choice is good. The belief here is that choice gives us freedom, so if we have more choices we have more freedom, the better it is for our lives. But some research has found that this is not necessarily […]


The Three Areas of Leadership Focus

By Andrew Cooke | April 19, 2018

Self-focus, others focus and a wider world focus Being a leader is continually demanding role. To be effective you not only need to know what to focus on, but also what to not focus on.  This is made more complex is that you need focus on and understand yourself, your people or team, and the […]


The Risks of Conforming

By Andrew Cooke | January 30, 2018

We often look at the risks associated when people don’t conform, and we often don’t like those who fail to act in the way we want or we expect.  But how often do we consider the risks associated with conformity?  The answer is rarely, yet the risks are considerable. We often go along with a […]


Trust Equation, The

By Andrew Cooke | January 25, 2018

Building and Assessing Trust Trust underpins relationships, and relationships underpin business. Good business is built on good relationships, but we rarely look at how we build good trust. This is important as when we think of trust and what it means, we quickly realize it encompasses many things. We use the word “trust” to: Interpret […]


The Three Ss of Winning in Business

By Andrew Cooke | January 18, 2018

Why you need self-confidence, simplicity and speed in business Many businesses, as they grow, develop a bureaucracy. This makes it hard for the business to adapt to the accelerating changes we are experiencing. As Professor Gary Hamel said: “Today, the most important question for any organisation is this: are we changing as fast as the […]

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