decision making – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "decision making"

How to Cut Costs Without Drawing Blood

By Andrew Cooke | May 10, 2018

Six ways to use money and assets effectively When times are hard, and business is slower, harder to get, and less certain, many companies engage in slashing costs.  And they go for that which is most visible and easiest to slash first – the payroll.  However, reducing staff numbers incurs considerable expenses – you have […]


The Paradox of Choice

By Andrew Cooke | April 24, 2018

Giving greater choice does not mean more will be chosen!  Most people believe that having a choice is good. The belief here is that choice gives us freedom, so if we have more choices we have more freedom, the better it is for our lives. But some research has found that this is not necessarily […]


Decisions for Speed to Market

By Andrew Cooke | April 12, 2018

How to make decisions at speed  Speed to market is increasingly important when you need to respond to business, competitive or market changes.  Making a poor decision, implementing a decision poorly or taking too long can cost you money and time, and create stress and frustration. Here are five steps for deciding at speed: Make […]


The Three “A’s” for Dealing with Conflict

By Andrew Cooke | January 23, 2018

Attacking.Abdicating.Accountability.  When dealing with conflict there are only three ways in which you, or your reports, can respond. These are attacking, abdicating and being accountable. Attacking – this is the first part of the “fight or flight” syndrome which we experience when we come across an uncomfortable situation. For example, we are in a meeting […]


3 Questions to Ask to Drive Better Conversations

By Andrew Cooke | December 19, 2017

The Newport Question Trio for Better Conversations A client of mine recently shared several questions that they use in her organization to help leaders and managers, at all level, gain clarity, focus and accountability in their conversations. I call them the Newport Question Trio after my client. These questions are: Why? – Is this conversation […]


Why Reducing Customer Churn is Important

By Andrew Cooke | November 28, 2017

How reducing customer churn can improve profit… Customer churn occurs when customers or subscribers stop doing business with a company or service It is normally described as the percentage of your total customers who have left you. So, reducing your customer churn can help your improve your profit by addressing two elements: Costs – the […]


1 New Results Need New Behaviours

By Andrew Cooke | July 24, 2017

Why what got you here won’t get you there! Are any of these scenarios familiar to you?  You’ve been recently promoted. You’re in the same job you were in a year ago, but the scope is a lot bigger today than it was then. You’re working in an organization where the performance bar has been […]


It’s What Is, Not What Might Be, That Matters!

By Andrew Cooke | June 12, 2017

How to build your ability to be objective. A common mistake made by managers is to equate what they think with what they know. But there is a world of difference, let me explain. At the core of this is being able to differentiate between the objective and the subjective perspective of the matter to […]


Learning From Your Mistakes

By Andrew Cooke | May 25, 2017

How failure can make you more successful… We all make mistakes, but do we learn from them? As children we are often taught not to make mistakes, and that it is important to be right. This is reinforced as we become adults and so we learn to equate mistakes with failure.  And when we do […]