Decision – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Decision"

What Do You Need to be Successful?

By Andrew Cooke | May 1, 2018

And the answer is…… So you want to be successful? But is that enough to be so? We all know that just because you want something does not make it so. Success requires one thing and one thing only – action! To be successful needs a massive amount of effort on a consistent and ongoing […]


The Paradox of Choice

By Andrew Cooke | April 24, 2018

Giving greater choice does not mean more will be chosen!  Most people believe that having a choice is good. The belief here is that choice gives us freedom, so if we have more choices we have more freedom, the better it is for our lives. But some research has found that this is not necessarily […]


Decisions for Speed to Market

By Andrew Cooke | April 12, 2018

How to make decisions at speed  Speed to market is increasingly important when you need to respond to business, competitive or market changes.  Making a poor decision, implementing a decision poorly or taking too long can cost you money and time, and create stress and frustration. Here are five steps for deciding at speed: Make […]


Hiring for Attitude

By Andrew Cooke | April 3, 2018

How attitude is a good predictor of prospective employee success, and how you can identify those with the right attitude for your business. The top challenge for CEOs according to a survey from the Conference Board (January 2013) is Human Capital – the ability to develop and acquire the right people, with the right skills […]


The Three “A’s” for Dealing with Conflict

By Andrew Cooke | January 23, 2018

Attacking.Abdicating.Accountability.  When dealing with conflict there are only three ways in which you, or your reports, can respond. These are attacking, abdicating and being accountable. Attacking – this is the first part of the “fight or flight” syndrome which we experience when we come across an uncomfortable situation. For example, we are in a meeting […]


3 Questions to Ask to Drive Better Conversations

By Andrew Cooke | December 19, 2017

The Newport Question Trio for Better Conversations A client of mine recently shared several questions that they use in her organization to help leaders and managers, at all level, gain clarity, focus and accountability in their conversations. I call them the Newport Question Trio after my client. These questions are: Why? – Is this conversation […]


The 7 Ps – Seven Questions for Growing Your Business

By Andrew Cooke | June 9, 2017

How you can improve employee commitment and engagement demonstrate respect. When you are looking to grow your business there are three steps involved: firstly, determining what your business will look at a given point in the future; secondly, what the business currently looks like; and finally, how you are going to bridge the gap between […]


Guidelines to Managing Conflict

By Andrew Cooke | June 2, 2017

Six key guidelines to manage conflict effectively When dealing with a conflict you want to manage it effectively.  Conflicts are difficult to resolve as resolutions are rarely reached which everyone is happy with.  A conflict that is well-managed provides the basis for an approach that everyone will accept, commit to and action. Remember, you want […]


Learning From Your Mistakes

By Andrew Cooke | May 25, 2017

How failure can make you more successful… We all make mistakes, but do we learn from them? As children we are often taught not to make mistakes, and that it is important to be right. This is reinforced as we become adults and so we learn to equate mistakes with failure.  And when we do […]