Team – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Team"

Four Questions to Debrief and Learn

By Andrew Cooke | June 7, 2018

Four key questions by which to learn from your experiences! We often get so involved in doing the work, that we rarely make the time to review how we are doing in a structured and creative manner that allows us to extend our curiosity into what has happened, and to learn why. In short, we […]


Empowering Your Employees to Empower Themselves

By Andrew Cooke | June 5, 2018

How to create an environment that empowers people. As a manager or leader, do you let your people assume more responsibility when they are able? Do you know when that is, or do you keep telling yourself that they aren’t ready yet?In my travels from organization to organization, I talk with thousands of people every […]


Leveraging Deadlines

By Andrew Cooke | May 17, 2018

How to use deadlines to your advantage We often live in fear of deadlines or see them as the main source of our stress. You know how it goes: “Only two months left to make your annual target”, “The report has to be completed and on the boss’ desk by Friday morning”, or “The customer […]


What Do You Need to be Successful?

By Andrew Cooke | May 1, 2018

And the answer is…… So you want to be successful? But is that enough to be so? We all know that just because you want something does not make it so. Success requires one thing and one thing only – action! To be successful needs a massive amount of effort on a consistent and ongoing […]


The Risks of Conforming

By Andrew Cooke | January 30, 2018

We often look at the risks associated when people don’t conform, and we often don’t like those who fail to act in the way we want or we expect.  But how often do we consider the risks associated with conformity?  The answer is rarely, yet the risks are considerable. We often go along with a […]


What Do You Think?

By Andrew Cooke | December 26, 2017

by Andrew Cooke, Blue Sky GPS In an interview with the New York Times, Bill Marriott, chairman of the Marriott Hotel Group, shared this useful piece of advice.  He explained that as a young officer in the US Navy he was responsible for the stewards who served in the officers’ wardroom.  New to his role, and being […]


Leading and Succeeding in Challenging Times

By Andrew Cooke | October 23, 2017

Leaders are faced with the on-going dilemma of maintaining long-term and sustainable profitability, whilst having to meet the short-term gains demanded by investors. Here are a few insights into how you can lead more effectively in these challenging times. Andrew’s Top 8 Insights Change your mindset – instead of looking at the issue of how […]


3 Ways to Accelerate Team Performance

By Andrew Cooke | October 20, 2017

Improving team performance comes from both within and without If you are running a team or project team, especially when you have new team or one where there has been a change in team membership, you need to bring them up to speed as quickly as possible. Underpinning is this how you can capture, use […]


Build Your Tribe

By Andrew Cooke | October 9, 2017

Do you want to get more clients? Are you finding it hard? Are you meeting lots of people and generating lots of leads through your online and offline networks? Are you meeting with people who are expressing an interest in what you do? And are you then finding that very few of them are converting, […]